

Authors! We understand that getting your book published can often be a daunting, tedious, disappointing and sometimes a very expensive experience, but not at Baico! We offer you the opportunity through an easy, simple, quick and affordable process to have your dream of becoming an accomplished published author realized.

Baico provides a comprehensive set of professional publishing knowledge and skills in a friendly and warm environment with personable staff guiding you step by step throughout the process.

The following is a list of some of the benefits of using Baico as your publisher:

  • Baico takes care of the publishing’s legal and administrative issues such as: ISBN number, EAN Scan Code needed for bookstores and other retailers, Legal Deposit at the National Library.
  • Authors retain full copyright and the right to market and sell their books.
  • We will target focus groups and book movers in order to maximize book sales.
  • Baico offers a competitive royalty payment. Royalties will likely increase depending on the size of the print-runs and the sales arising from these which is not usually offered by our competitors.
  • Authors can purchase copies of their books from Baico at a competitive discount rate.
  • Authors will receive guidance on marketing and with regard to events such as book signings and book fairs.

With over 23 years of experience, Baico is recognized as one of the few publishing companies dedicated to publishing Canadian Authors and to making their books available to global readers.

We are committed to publishing books on a wide range of topics that seek to entertain, inspire, provoke thought, inform, teach, guide and to making this world a better place. As such, Baico reads all manuscripts submitted to us so as to select those that meet our vision to maintain a high publishing standard.

We are happy to actively contribute to increasing literacy among our global family by getting books into the hands of national and international readers through our online store and distribution network.

At Baico, we share the joy of reading with Canadian Authors and fellow readers, putting Authors and readers on the same page!

Getting Started

A note to the authors

Baico Publishing invites you to submit your manuscript for an assessment, we look forward to making your publishing experience a pleasant journey.

We are dedicated to reading your manuscript from cover to cover in order to make a fair decision as to whether or not to proceed with entering into a publishing contract with you. This procedure ensures that your work meets our selection criteria.

Should Baico accept your manuscript for publishing after reading it, you will need to follow our publishing guidelines. If we accept your work after reading your manuscript but you decide not to enter into a contract with Baico, then you incur an administration fee of Cdn $100.00 plus a reading fee of Cdn $1.00 per page (single line spacing) which must be paid immediately on Baico returning your manuscript to you.

If you are interested in submitting your manuscript to us, kindly proceed with the following instructions:

How to submit your manuscript:

  • We accept all types of manuscripts in English and in French on a wide range of topics excluding any literature that promotes religious, racial or cultural discrimination, hate, pornography and any such offensive material.
  • Please send your manuscript to us on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper, double-spaced, accompanied by your legal name, mailing address and phone number.
  • Depending on the number of pages you submit, it may take a couple of weeks to a few months before hearing from us on whether or not we are interested in publishing your work.
  • If you have a children’s book, you do not have to submit the illustrations unless you already have them done. We are interested first in the storyline of your manuscript, then we look at the illustrations.
  • Please send manuscript and all other documents required by mail or deliver in person to our office

1. Formatting Text

You can send your text for PC in:

  • Microsoft Word 2010 or less
  • WordPerfect Office 2002 or less
  • Wordpad
  • Microsoft Works
  • Rich text format
  • Do a cut and paste at the end of your e-mail

What you need to do:

  • Make sure your text is ERROR FREE 
  • Never put a hard return if it’s not at the end of a paragraph
  • No hyphenations
  • If you are using special characters, please specify which font is used
  • Send all pictures (jpegs, tiff, eps or pdf)
  • There is a scanning fee of $5.00 CDN per image that we have to scan

2. Submission of Final Product

In order to proceed further with your manuscript, you will be required to sign a five year contract with Baico Publishing. You will be required to pay a formatting fee and a cover design fee on delivery of proof copy based on our price structure as outlined below.

3. Corrections to Proof Copy

Included in the 1st round of corrections, 15 corrections per 100 pages of text. Ex. If your book is 300 pages long, corrections are expected not to exceed 45- 50 otherwise there will be an additional cost because this will require more time. Corrections are to be received as : 

* “Sticky Notes" into the PDF document that we provide you with. Or (for those that don’t use Acrobat) a list in a Word document specifying page number, paragraph, line and corrections needed for each one.

4. Pricing Structure

Formatting Fees (in Canadian dollars):

BAICO PRICES 2024-2025

Number of Pages Cost of Formatting Corrections 1st Proof Additional Corrections 2nd Proof Additional Corrections
3rd Proof
Complete Re-format of book
1 – 200 $1900.00 No charge $350.00 $350.00 $1900.00
201 - 450

$2700.00 No charge $350.00 $350.00 $2700.00
451 - 700 $3,100.00 No charge $400.00 $400.00 $3100.00
701- 800 $3600.00 No charge $450.00 $450.00 $3600.00
801- Over $4500.00+ No charge $550.00 $550.00 $4500.00+


Supply a HIGH RESOLUTION (at least 300dpi) picture.
Synopsis for Back cover.
Create Complete Cover: $400.00-$1,000.00
Create Cover with Supplied Picture: $200.00-$400

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