That all who journey past be touched;
“Yea ever heard about Nigger Rock,” the old man asked? Before I could answer, he continued to speak “Yea know that black runaway slaves are buried there.”…..
Telling stories is a great way of preserving the past. It is a good way of bringing issues to the fold, that others may see the light. It is a good way to teach, a good way to learn.
Have you ever heard of the underground railroad?
“That railroad for your information was not like the one they have in
Montreal now, that one they call the Metro……….”
“…….those poor runaway slaves came all the way to Canada in Order to be free, but………”
What happened to the runaway slaves who came to Canada?
Where did they settle? What became of them? And what about Nigger Rock?
“…………….there was a black woman,…………………she went by the name of Birdie,” the old man continued.
“I think we need to make Birdie Proud.” the old man added, after he had read her poem. Who is Birdie? What does she have to do with Nigger Rock? Read her story, and, as the old man said,…. “make Birdie proud.”
“Le site de Nigger Rock est situé sur une propriété privée. Mais le site de Nigger Rock représente aussi un patrimoine commun. Qu’on le veuille ou non, ce champ des morts est un cimetière, même s’il n’a pas été consacré comme tel. Or, par définition,un cimetière est une terre où l’on inhume les défunts, un lieu de repos.”……(Ceux de Nigger Rock)*
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