See Atlin and Die – Baico

See Atlin and Die

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The beautifully set mountain village of Atlin, British Columbia, is the central locale of the 1953 novel (work of fiction), See Atlin and Die, on the easterly shore of long Atlin Lake.

This tale’s author (see Author Notes) obtained invaluable experience of and insights into the aims, organization, working, etc. of wilderness surveys in the Atlin area as they were practised in the early 1950s. Back then, such technologies as cellphones, GPS, even chainsaws didn’t exist. Many things had to be done ‘the hard way’.

The book’s protagonist, Ed, holds a summertime survey position as the second-in-charge in a survey team or crew within a university-sponsored biological survey operation. Then his senior or designated Chief is disabled in a truck collision with a large caribou spooked by a cougar. Ed suddenly becomes Acting Party Chief. Now the complications really begin!

Ed is not an alter ego of this novel’s author; rather, the plot has many fictive deviations and twists. E.g., whereas the author was on all-male real-life crews, this tale includes young women. No-one died on the author’s 1952 geological party or 1954 engineering crew; not so in the 1953 biological team imagined here …

Amongst other things, this book approaches the status of an historical document.

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