52 Ways to Reach Your Lover – Baico

52 Ways to Reach Your Lover

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It’s all about relationships. Your life is all about relationships: your relationship with your outer world and your relationship with your inner world. This book is all about relationships: your relationship with your outer world and your relationship with your inner world.

You may think of this book as a book of poetry, or you may use this book as a source of reference to write cute cards to your loved one. My intention was to write a companion book, whose friendship will grow in you as you experiment what works for you. Use it as your private Cyrano to whisper to you the words that will translate your true feelings.

This book simply intends to offer different perspectives. Within the perspectives offered, you will find guideposts to point in the direction of different possibilities. Within these possibilities, it will cover the good, the bad, and the ugly without trying to make anyone wrong. The ultimate goal is to permit you to make a conscious choice in the light of your own wisdom. At times, in jest it will tease and rib you, as all good friends do. It does not claim to be better, just different from the same old, same old and been there done that.

Open the book, open your heart, and open the door to the magic of

Love in your life.

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